EGGS . . .Can be HEALTHY for you! Did you know . . .
Tests conducted on FREE RANGE eggs – as compared to the official USDA data for factory-farm eggs – show that free range eggs contain:
Ø 1/3 LESS cholesterol
Ø 1/4 LESS saturated fat
Ø 2/3 MORE vitamin A
Ø 2 times MORE Omega-3 fatty acids
Ø 3 times MORE vitamin E
Ø 7 times MORE beta carotene
The testers are now looking at Vitamin D. Our bodies get vitamin D in two ways: when sunlight strikes our skin or through the foods we eat.
Eggs are naturally rich in Vitamin D. The USDA says supermarket eggs contain an average of 34 International Units per 100 grams. Eggs tested from 4 pastured farms (free range) in Texas, Kansas, Kentucky and Pennsylvania found that those eggs contained three to six times as much vitamin D as typical supermarket eggs.
This means that 2 scrambled eggs from pastured hens may give you 63 to 126 percent of the recommended daily intake of 200 IU of vitamin D.
Study conducted by Mother Earth News.